12.04.2024 | 18:00 Uhr

Porn Film Festival Vienna 2024


Sex is meant to be fun! Although everyone has their own definition of what this means to them, our FUN PORN SHORTS want to highlight the - maybe unexpected, yet fantastic - match that is porn and comedy! Amongst all the serious sexiness and lewd lusting, these films offer the kind of humor and lightheartedness that can help pave the way to break free from taboos and stigmas, as well as raise awareness about LGBTQIA+ issues with a tongue-in-cheek (or elsewhere) approach.

“Carrot Bukkake” - A Vegang Bang by GoAskAlex Media, Canada 2023, English, 8 minutes

G#Old Man by Werther Germondari and Victory Storari, Italy 2023, Italian, 10 minutes

June in Warsaw by Fucking Conflicts, Germany 2023, English, 15 minutes

Heavy Load by Juan Saez, Germany 2023, No Dialogue, 10 minutes

L’heure de la soupe by Benjamin Zuber, Germany 2023, No Dialogue, 7 minutes

The Exhibition Guided Tour (La Visita Guidata) by Werther Germondari and Nicola De Simone, Italy 2024, Italian with Spanish and English subtitles, 10 minutes

Chrysalis by Oran Julius, United States 2023, English, 11 minutes

Priapus by Priapus The God of Lust, Greece 2023, No Dialogue, 3 minutes

Desencanto by Liv Massei, Brazil 2024, Portuguese, 7 minutes

Gone with the Wind by Werther Germondari, Italy 2024, No Dialogue, 2 minutes

total duration 83 minutes


Filmstill aus Priapus by Priapus The God of Lust